I had some thoughts on this interesting article and was gonna thread them on my Twitter timeline, but I have too much to say on the matter, so I decided to dig out and dust off my old blog and post them here. Here's the thing about explicitly disliking a "political other" that the media doesn't want to cop to: There is actually clearly a right and wrong side at this point in history. Once upon a time, the differences in the Democratic and the Republican parties were simply regional and political stances on tax policy and fiscal spending and a myriad of other procedural thingamabobs. Precisely because both parties were inherently and inexorably racist, misogynistic, and LGBTQ-phobic because America was vastly racist, misogynistic, and LGBTQ-phobic. Some might argue that it still is. And they're right. It is. But it used to be FAR, FAR worse and much more banally violent about it, too. POC, women, and LGBTQ people were freely beaten and murdered, with little...
There is a disturbing trend among parents that has been permeating popular culture for a couple of decades now: the objectification of young children. One need only witness the horrors that are toddler beauty pageants (and the reality TV shows, books, and movies that spawned from such) to know what I mean. Girls too young to even grasp basic arithmetic are gussied up, given dental veneers, bikinis, enough makeup to give Tammy Faye pause, hairstyles to rival the stature of any found in small-town Texas, and paraded around like tiny objectified dolls for the aesthetic enjoyment of the creepy old men and women who judge the degree to which these 4–6 year-old children successfully emulate adult sexiness. Increasingly, this behavior has become a mainstream oddity that most sensible Americans are morbidly fascinated by, but publicly dismiss with a tsk-tsk and solemn head shake while secretly DVRing the latest episode of "Toddlers and Tiaras." Every now and then, someone will take...