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Showing posts from September, 2004

Big Brother is Watching

What I'm about to say is controversial . . .

. . . but I have to say it even though I know I am going to catch flack for it. I don't care, bring it on. Something hit me this evening, and it occurred when I had what I believe is very possibly the last conversation I'll ever have with a quasi-old friend who is currently residing in Australia. We were having a very pleasant conversation via AOL-IM, discussing school, careers, etc. Then the conversation turned to politics and I understand why Tim doesn't approve of political discussion with friends, especially nowadays. He told me he was "pro-Bush" and I responded with "I have to go now". I was actually half-kidding, but when he replied "ok, bye", I realized I shouldn't have been. Maybe it was because I am exhausted from trying to change people's minds, or maybe I'm just tired of the whole election thing, period. However, at that moment I discovered a flaw in that friendship so big that it made maintaining the friendshi...

Vote for Change, Vote Voldemort 2004

I think even He Who Must Not Be Named would be the lesser of the two Republican evils. He , at least, makes no pretense about not being evil. I think the Dark Lord is rather befitting as a figurehead for that party.

Bush Admin Blocks Yet Another Investigation

This is un-freakin-believable: WASHINGTON - Two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers had a support network in the United States that included agents of the Saudi government, and the Bush administration and FBI blocked a congressional investigation into that relationship, Sen. Bob Graham wrote in a book to be released Tuesday. Although, I must say it is also pretty typical of the Dick&Bush Cartel, which seems to have a history of un-freakin-believably audacious acts of power abuse and corruption.

Hiatus Extremis

Okay, so I didn't blog throughout all of August. I guess I kinda needed a break from it. For those not in the know, job-hunting still at a dead-end, novel finished and in its second working draft, prezzy race still too close to call (unfortunately), and I'm not starting grad school this fall. Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't so much I needed a break from blogging. After reading back over that list, I realize I haven't written anything in over a month because I didn't have anything new to say--I'm still jobless, out of school, and worried about the future of our nation. See, nothing new. On that note, I should like to say that maybe things will change over the next few weeks. I would say more, but that information is classified . . . for now. However, I can say that I am rather happy with my novel and the two people who I have had immediate feedback from seem to be enjoying it so far (we're only halfway through the first reading). Unfortunately,...