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I know my posts have been few and far between over the past couple of weeks. I'm nearing the end of my final semester as an undergrad and all those final projects that are due over the next four weeks have been keeping me on my toes. As Dolly Parton would say, "I've been busier than a one legged man in a butt-kickin' contest!"

Here is another poem to sate your prosal appetites for a little while longer.


The Farmer’s Wife

That reminds me, I checked out this Othello play
out of the library.
It’s about a guy
who loses his reputation and his wife,
well, he kills her, but she made him.

- Ai, “Penis Envy” from
Vice: New and Selected Poems

I don’t even recognize my hand
holdin’ onto the axe
swingin’ at your head,
splittin’ it liked warmed fat.
Don’t want to need you no more.

Didn’t want it to come to this,
you’ve told me for twenty years,
“Baby, I love you.
I don’t like hittin’ you,
but you make me do it,
sometimes you make me crazy
‘cause you won’t let nothin’ go.”

‘Cause I knew you’d never let me go,
that someday you’d kill me,
You made me do it.
I love you, too.

**********copyright james yeager 2004**********

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