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Showing posts from April, 2005

Time for a Good Old Fashion Book Burning! Yee-haw! & Seig Heil!

Isn't it ironic how the best time to be a gay human in America is also one of the scariest in that it is also the most pivotal. Sodomy laws are banished. Some state and local governments ban discrimination in employment and housing based on sexual orientation. Our visibility in the media (albeit mostly in a stereotyped, farcical form) is at an all time high. A majority of the American population no longer sees us as a threat to moral fabric of American society, most of them even welcome us. Sounds like a gay Camelot, doesn't it? Even in Camelot, something rotten festered and grew. That's the problem with Camelot. Things get so peaceful and la dee dah, that people become complacent. That's when they're ripe for the picking. Clinton created a second American Camelot in the 1990's that lasted almost a full month into Bush's first term. Then the techno-bubble burst, things began to sour on Wall Street, and 9/11 sounded the death knell of this Camelot redux. Th...

State of the "Union"

So I have to rant and pose some questions now about the current state of GLBT civil rights advocacy groups. Is it me, or does it seem that, the more money organizations such as the HRC et al make, the more ineffectual and farcical they become? Case in point, last presidential election, the HRC spent quite a lot of money during the republican national convention in New York City to buy a bunch of moving vans, plaster big billboards on the sides of them that read, "Mr. Bush, you're fired!", and drive them around the city on the days of the convention. Now, I'm no political analyst, I didn't receive a degree in political science or marketing--I have a BA in English and edit large print reproductions of books for a living. Yet, even I could see this was a marketing campaign that was ridiculous to the extreme, borderlining on making the HRC seem more like a bad facsimile of SNL or MadTV than a legitimate civil rights lobbying agency, and ultimately doomed to failure. T...

Finally . . .

. . . a gay and lesbian advocacy group who's not going to just rollover and take a chainsaw up the ass (*cough-cough-HRC-cough*). The Los Angelas Gay & Lesbian Center, the world's largest gay and lesbian organization with a budget of $35 million, is demanding that Microsoft return the Corporate Vision Award presented to it at the 30th Anniversary Gala in 2001. Not only has the L. A. G&L Center rescinded the award, they are also demanding that Microsoft cease promoting on their corporate website that they received it. Read more details about it here , here , and take action here . Thank you AMERICAblog for covering this story better than the salivating GOP 4th Reich, propagandist lap-dogs also known as the Mainstream Media, ever would.

And What a Craptacular Week It Has Been, too!

So this has been, I think, one of the finer weeks so far this year . . . . . . if you enjoy living in Hell. First, there was the illness fun on Monday (I'll spare you the details), then the weather was muggy and stale, then a former Nazi became the next pope of the Holy Roman Craptholic Church and promptly announced that committed same-sex couples were "iniquitous" (by definition, "evil; corrupt; wicked"), and the Amerikan Taleban made more progress on their construction of an oppressive, puri-tyrannical Orwellian government. Texas decided to add redundancy to its already burgeoning stupidity and bigoted rancor by passing a state constitutional ammendment intitiative to ban same-sex marriage , as well as declaring that GLBT's are unfit parents even for "throwaway" kids whose only other option is an orphanage, with a state law prohibiting GLBT's from adopting or foster-parenting. Then longtime GLBT supporter Microsoft stabbing the Washington...

People Are Great . . . For Me to Poop On!!!!

I have had it with the inconsiderate, rude, apathetic to everyone but themselves, STUPID people in the world. They are all prissy little bitches who bounce around the world like maniacal pinballs and multiply like bunnies at a fertility clinic. They feed and reproduce and push people out of their way with their Jesus-fish/W '04 sticker encrusted SUV's while laughing through their cheese-and-kitten-burgers. Eventually some of them become U. S. Senators and even president. Others stick around just to make day to day life miserable for the rest of us. Case #1 in point: Yesterday morning, after battling unsuccessfully with a coffee maker that was designed by stupid engineers, I stopped on my way to work at 7-11 for coffee. I was running late and more than in a bit of a hurry. The jackass mofo in front of me asks for a carton of cigarettes, for which the clerk had to go to the back. OK, no problem, I understand. He pays for the cigarettes and right before he leaves, he decides he w...

Everything's Bigger in Texas

Even the wingnuttery. Why is it, in the biggest of the lower forty-eight, where there is ample room for for huge diversity in geography, climate, cultures, and ways of life, where huge metropolises are neighbored by forests, swamps, deserts, plains, or pastures, there also exists some of the most extreme examples of intolerance and bigotry in the nation? First, there was Furious George. He rose to "power" in the this great state as its governor the same way he would eventually go on to conquer the White House, twice: through pandering to the lowest common denominator and the politics of fear. Prejudicial politics is a big player here in Texas, and he is just one shining example of that. He smeared his opponent in the first gubenatorial race by painting misleading and often blatantly false pictures of her in the public's collective eye, making enough of them fear and eventually hate her that they would instead vote for him. He repeated this performance in the presidential ...

New Lifestyle, New "Lives"

In renewing my posting efforts on my blog, I noticed it was a bit outdated on links and decor. I began an attempt to clean it up, and in so doing, decided a fresh start was the most efficient way in which to accomplish this. So here it is. I will continue to add relevant links, graphics, etc, as I go. Please, let me know what you think of my blog's new, fresh look. Now on to other topics. In local news, Leeann's Birthday/Karaoke Party was a smash hit that saw almost everyone who attended smashed within the first couple of hours. Bad singing, reunions with old friends and acquaintances, and a few new faces made for a nice mix and the crowd was just the right size overall for mingling. Tim and I had a blast to the tune of a 5 AM departure for home. So Kudos to Leeann for a party that has sufficiently replaced the blight of the last party disaster (Halloween) in our periodically-inebriated collective memory. In national news, as if you hadn't already been pounded in the face u...