. . . a gay and lesbian advocacy group who's not going to just rollover and take a chainsaw up the ass (*cough-cough-HRC-cough*). The Los Angelas Gay & Lesbian Center, the world's largest gay and lesbian organization with a budget of $35 million, is demanding that Microsoft return the Corporate Vision Award presented to it at the 30th Anniversary Gala in 2001. Not only has the L. A. G&L Center rescinded the award, they are also demanding that Microsoft cease promoting on their corporate website that they received it. Read more details about it here, here, and take action here.
Thank you AMERICAblog for covering this story better than the salivating GOP 4th Reich, propagandist lap-dogs also known as the Mainstream Media, ever would.
Thank you AMERICAblog for covering this story better than the salivating GOP 4th Reich, propagandist lap-dogs also known as the Mainstream Media, ever would.