OK, I have since realized that my Tuesday News post was a bit premature since all the interesting things have happened in the past 24 hours. It's a Ghost! It's a Mutant Firefly! It's a . . . Glowing Pig? Scientists in Taiwan have successfully spliced the genes of a glowing jellyfish into the genes of a pig, which resulted in a pig that looks kinda green during the day, but glows at night. Traditionally, if your bacon was green--and especially if it glowed in the dark--that meant it was time to toss it in the garbage. However, these lime swines were what the scientists have been striving for so they can track their glowing DNA without slicing and dicing their little piggy cells. Unfortunately, as it goes with the dorky science-types, they didn't know that day-glo genes are just so totally '80's. Have Rubber Will Travel Legislators in a Colombia town in Central America are planning a law that would require every male over the age of 14 to carry a condom. It...
My life and world-views with dry wit, on the rocks with a twist.