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I know I haven't posted any poems in awhile, so here is one that seems befitting.

Indifference in Deference

When wizened men have stooped to folly,

She slithers in for the conquest—

Indifference, whore of ennui,

Let us care naught, Let us dare not,

When the whole world has all come undone.

She quiets down our hearts—unloving,

She stoppers our heads—unknowing,

She binds up our hands—undoing,

Leaving us cold and unfeeling,

Contented in all our discontent.

Indifference, sweet Indifference,

You are the perfect addiction:

Your rusting needle rips my vein,

Doing nothing is such a high,

Everything is your only cost.

Indifference, sweet indifference,

Sleep now in your bedded wasteland,

Let not lament disturb your rest.

Our voices grown faint in the din,

Our visage grown dark in the lightning.

Now we’re past the gyre’s unwinding,

And the falcon is long since dead,

We have not a heart left to give,

Only outraged silence instead.

Our legacy we’re doomed to repeat.

You sweet dull bitch of timelessness,

Your melancholy song blinds my eyes,

Your sweet, thick honey drowns my ears,

Your deafening silence fills my mouth.

Who is left to hear the falconer?

* * * * * * * * * copyright 2004 James Yeager * * * * * * * * * *


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