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People Are Great . . . For Me to Poop On!!!!

I have had it with the inconsiderate, rude, apathetic to everyone but themselves, STUPID people in the world. They are all prissy little bitches who bounce around the world like maniacal pinballs and multiply like bunnies at a fertility clinic. They feed and reproduce and push people out of their way with their Jesus-fish/W '04 sticker encrusted SUV's while laughing through their cheese-and-kitten-burgers. Eventually some of them become U. S. Senators and even president. Others stick around just to make day to day life miserable for the rest of us.

Case #1 in point: Yesterday morning, after battling unsuccessfully with a coffee maker that was designed by stupid engineers, I stopped on my way to work at 7-11 for coffee. I was running late and more than in a bit of a hurry. The jackass mofo in front of me asks for a carton of cigarettes, for which the clerk had to go to the back. OK, no problem, I understand. He pays for the cigarettes and right before he leaves, he decides he wants some lottery tickets, but he's not sure which ones. HELLOOOOO . . . ASSHOLE . . . you could have been deciding that while the guy went to the back for your cheap ass Newports, then you could have told him "I want these, these, these, and these tickets." He could have gotten them for you, you could have paid for everything all at once, and gotten out of my way. But no. You had to sit there for FIVE FREAKING MINUTES after you had ALREADY made your purchase and pontificate on which tickets would be worth your time and money with no regard to those of us standing behind you, with lives and jobs of our own waiting for us while we're waiting for you. Stupid crap-weasel.

Cases #2 and 3 in point: I am driving home yesterday and having a pretty decent go of rush hour, until I get to Green Oaks, and just a couple of miles from home. I turn onto Green Oaks from SB 360 and as I am accelerating to the speed limit, some IDIOT in a little white Honda Shitvic from the oncoming side of traffic turns left right in front of me, causing me to almost T-bone him. Then, not a few blocks from that spot, as I am approaching the Green Oaks, Ballpark Way intersection, some bleach blond, slut bag trollop from Hell in a blue KIA Spectra license plate Y39 SYM is so busy weaving and darting in and out of traffic that she, oh, doesn't see that there is a big green Mustang right next to her, in the lane that she is swerving into in her piggish attempt at darting around the car in front of her, causing me to swerve and bite the curb. Hard. Luckily, my car did not suffer any major damage to rim or tire. But if you see a blond bimbette in a blue KIA Spectra, license plate Y39 SYM, GET AS FAR AWAY FROM HER AS POSSIBLE!!! She is inconsiderate, a total bitch, stupid, and dangerous.

You see people, this is what happens when you coddle the population, making sure everyone is all safe and snuggly wuggly in their widdle safe beds and SUV's and don't let Darwin's theory of Natural Selection do its job, weeding out the stupid ones who might otherwise drown because they see something shiny on the bottom of the pool or in the sky on a rainy day.


Tim said…
Here Here for Darwin. I hate how people are so wrapped up in themselves that they act as if there is no one on the planet but them. I know politeness is a forced facad, but it is a nice one, and not like being two faced. I guess it is easier for people to de-evolve and be rude pigs than try to be halfway decent. Well Fie on them all, they can all rot. If we all decided to act like these pig people, I would never leave the house, and sadly it is getting more and more like that every day it seems. How about instead of being able to shoot stray cats by law(See Wisconsin), we get to shoot the stupid people, hmmm, did anyone ever think of that???
James said…
Any takers? Megan . . . ?


You know I love you more than my luggage. ;)

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