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Greatest "God" Lines

I wish God were alive to see this.
--Homer J. Simpson
Homer: Why do you mock me, O Lord?
Marge: Homer, that's not God. That's just a waffle that Bart tossed up there.
[Marge scrapes it off the ceiling into Homer's hands]
Homer: I know I shouldn't eat thee, but -- [bites] Mmm, sacrilicious.
--The Simpsons

[. . .] What do you do when your stuck in a chair?
Finding it hard to go up and down stairs
What do you think of the one you call god?
Isn't his absence slightly odd?
Maybe he's forgotten you [. . .]
--Chumba Wumba Song, Family Guy

[. . .]
the clouds will part and the sky cracks open
and god himself will reach his fucking arm through
just to push you down
just to hold you down
[. . .]

[. . .]
your god is dead
and no one cares
[. . .]

--"The Wretched" and "Heresy", Nine Inch Nails

Feel free to post any of your favorite funny/sacriligious/angry god or jebus quotes in comments.

Cheers-Thanks-a lot!


Tim said…
Save Me Jebus... Homer Simpson

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