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Life's a Bitch . . .

. . . and then you die. If you're as lucky as I am, you find someone special with whom to share in the misery, which makes it at least bearable.

Oh you thing called "Life," why do I hate thee at times?

James' Life Sucks Top Ten List
  1. #10: You suck
  2. #9: You have death as a part of you
  3. #8: You let Ass-Monkeys get away with bloody murder
  4. #7: False hope
  5. #6: You give decent people who just want to get through you with as little resistence as possible a nice big Ass-hat to wear, whether we like it or not
  6. #5: Your Ass-hats are magnets for Ass-Monkeys and shit
  7. #4: Taxes, fees, fines and penalties
  8. #3: You're totally unforgiving
  9. #2: You conspire with your buddy, Time, to really make things difficult
  10. And the Number One reason I hate you at times . . . . You suck!
And a note for the Ass-Monkeys of the City of Irving:

You suck, I hate you, and I'm glad you're losing the Cowboys!

I wish I believed in "God" . . . then I would have someone to blame.

Cheers-Thanks-for-nothing . . .


The Megan said…
sounds like someone has a case of the 'Mondays'... =)

j/k... sorry you are bummed about this whole life thing... hope we (friends) don't have anything to do with it...
Anonymous said…
Why do you hate Irving again? Is it because of your past?

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