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Showing posts from September, 2005

Last Day

So here I am, the last day at my first job out of college. It's really a shame that I couldn't stay at this job, but too many circumstantial conflicts make it impossible for me to continue on here. It's another one of the cliched moments of bittersweetness. One chapter ends, another opens with hopes upon promises of a brighter future. So here's to Huge Print Press, my (as of 4:00 PM today) former employer who gave me a shot when no one else in 9 months of job-hunting would: Thank you. And here's to [the new company], my (as of 9:00 AM Monday, October 3rd) new employer, who wanted to hire me so badly that they actually went to a lot of trouble: Thank you. Technically, I guess I am officially unemployed again for the next two days, so what better way to celebrate than by pigging out and getting plastered. Cheers-Thanksalot!

Aha! A New Nine Inch Nails Video . . .

OK, I know I complained about the blog videos in the past, but I got curious and clicked over to check out the website that hosts them . . . you know, to see what was there. Well, I came across the new Nine Inch Nails video for the song "Only." After watching it, I decided I had to share it with everyone because it reminded me of a music video from the '80s by Aha (sp.?). You know the one I'm talking about--unless you're too young to have seen it, let alone remember it.--it was "Take on Me." Obviously the music and sentiment share nothing in common, but the style and medium of the video have an interesting parallel. Both depict being trapped in an alternate plain of existence visible to and of physical reality, but seperated and sharply divided from it--the inner fantasy world juxtaposed and competing with reality. Anyway, enjoy! (Video No Longer Available) Cheers-Thanksalot!

You Can't Make This Sh!t Up

(Photo Elsie, a St. Bernard puppy from Florida, proved a puppy's stomach can be as big as its eyes when she swallowed a serrated 13-inch knife . O. J. Simpson had no comment except to say, "I was at McDonald's and that puppy's too small for that knife." The knife was successfully removed by a vet and Elsie is now back to salivating over other fine cutlery, though she has been banned from the local House of Blades. Nesbitt , a 13 year old cat and resident of a West Bank home in New Orleans, was found napping peacefully in his usual spot under a chair on his back porch when his people returned home for the first time in the three weeks since Katrina ravaged their city. The eggs in their fridge had exploded, a tree was now part of one wall, facade was missing, an overhang sagged, and a gutter had collapsed, but none of it seemed to bother Nesbitt, whose greeting was a satisfied swish of his bushy tail, as if to say, "Suckers." Michael "Dro...

One Rita, Extra Salt

(photo CBS News/AP/NOAA) As if it weren't enough that Katrina destroyed all those thousands of New Orleanian homes, displacing a quarter-million people, Rita's got to come in and threaten to destroy many of those evacuee's new homes and shelters in Houston. Sheesh, enough with the major hurricanes already. We get it Nature, you are the supreme bitch ruling over all Earth with a might so powerful as to boil the very oceans themselves. Anyway, Houston is another town to which I have ties--I was born there, survived Hurricane Alicia in 1983 there, and lived there for several years as a child. Oh, and I loved its Natural History Musuem. Yes, Houston is not only the origins of me, it's also the origins of my geeky-nerdiness. Maybe that's why I still hold some affection for the dirty, overcrowded, polluted, crime-ridden megaopolis. Houston's a resilient place, so despite Rita's worst, I know it will survive and flourish together with its sister-in-disaster, New O...

More BIG News

It's not THE big news promised below--I'm still waiting for clearance on that--but it is quite Big and happy. Yesterday, the Massechussetts legisture DEFEATED the state constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage. Read more about it here . Which brings me to today's THURSDAY SURVEY Targeting Gay - W e d d i n g s! If you had a same-sex wedding, where would you register, Target or Wal-Mart? I know, I know, like I even need to ask. Target, hands down. Cheers-Thanksalot!

Big BIG News

Coming soon . . . stay tuned! Unless you've already heard, then it's actually old news to you, so don't spoil it for the other children in comments. Update is imminent. Cheers-Thanksalot!

Death, Dreams, and The Thursday Survey

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come . . . --Prince Hamlet of Denmark, Hamlet by William Shakespeare I think maybe my mind is preoccupied with something lately. I've been having a lot of dreams about death the past few nights. Not violent or murderous dreams; I haven't killed anyone nor has anyone been "killed," per se. No, just dying. They've been emotionally intense dreams to say the least. Maybe it's just my mind's way of trying to deal with my grandmother's sudden death and all the death and destruction inundating us every night on the television since Katrina busted the levees and Potemkin-President Bush murdered all those thousands of people through his wonton and arrogant negligence. Hmm . . . Think I could be feeling some anger, too. Since I wrote Tuesday's post, I have to admit my optimism has jaded a bit. The red sun rising over the horizon of my morning drive now seems ...

Ink Stains & a Whole in the Sun

Not writing much on this blog started out because I thought I'd run out of things to say. Then Life turned tragic and I didn't have the heart to write. Now, I think I am going to ease back into amusing, confusing, and sometimes infuriating my few readers. There is a wealth of things to bitch about--I suspect such will be the case so long as we have a Bush in the Oval Office--but I'm not going to bitch as much as I have in the past. I'll definitely still point out the sorry shit that goes on in the life politic; however, I realize I border on the whiney petulant pisant rather than the writer full of incredulous indignation. I don't know, maybe I've needed to whine. Offputting as it is to so many others, sometimes pissing and moaning is therapeutic to the Whiner, even if it is like so many Freddy Krueger claws on the blackboard to the Whinees. Don't worry, my little sheoples, I'm still angry and bitter at the world in general and most especially with the i...