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One Rita, Extra Salt

(photo CBS News/AP/NOAA)

As if it weren't enough that Katrina destroyed all those thousands of New Orleanian homes, displacing a quarter-million people, Rita's got to come in and threaten to destroy many of those evacuee's new homes and shelters in Houston. Sheesh, enough with the major hurricanes already. We get it Nature, you are the supreme bitch ruling over all Earth with a might so powerful as to boil the very oceans themselves.

Anyway, Houston is another town to which I have ties--I was born there, survived Hurricane Alicia in 1983 there, and lived there for several years as a child. Oh, and I loved its Natural History Musuem. Yes, Houston is not only the origins of me, it's also the origins of my geeky-nerdiness. Maybe that's why I still hold some affection for the dirty, overcrowded, polluted, crime-ridden megaopolis.

Houston's a resilient place, so despite Rita's worst, I know it will survive and flourish together with its sister-in-disaster, New Orleans. I can see it now, New Orleans & Houston: We Survived the Bitch Twins. No, not Jenna and Barbara; Austin already barely survived those bitches.

So batton down the hatches, it's going to be a bumpy weekend, and not just in Houston/Galveston. Rita will most likely still be a hurricane when she passes through North Texas as well. That's one mighty powerful she-demon.


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