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Another One Bites the Dust! Unh!!

That's right, now joining the ranks of applying the law fairly and ubiquitously, a federal judge has struck down the Nebraska constitutional ammendment prohibiting gay marriage, citing that it was not only unfair to gay couples, it had much farther reaching implications that would negatively affect many other familial structures.

It is unclear what, if anything, this means for same-sex couples living in Nebraska who wish to marry.

Read more here: CBS News

Thanks to my partner in life and love--and everything in between--Tim, for the tip!


Tim said…
"Thanks to my partner in life and love--and everything in between--Tim, for the tip!"

Just when you think its safe to know that feeling of going over a hill really fast, rollercoaster style, or jumping out of a plane(megan)? Its that weightless tummy orgaz..I mean organic, elated purest happy feeling? I got that when I read that last line, and when I came home and saw you in the airport, its that little feeling of knowing that you are standing in life next to the one, and just when I thought I couldnt love you more, just a little sentence nudges me even higher.

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