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The Ultimate Port-a-Potty

Okay, time for a little bathroom humor to go.

Ever been in the car on a roadtrip or stuck in hellacious traffic for hours on end and have had the call of nature start ringing down below? Well, thanks to a European company, you don't even have to get out of the car to answer that call. Just plug the Indipod into a cigarette lighter output and voila, a small bathroom inflates inside the car replete with a mini toilet for your squatting pleasure. Worries about offensive odors are apparently dispelled by a chemical concoction within the plastic john, one pouch of which the company claims will last one person eight days of regular use.

It is designed for small children and people with disabilities who might find themselves on a long roadtrip without ready restroom access, but I see great potential here . . .

Think about it, America the Lacadazical can think up all kinds of uses for this new contraption. It would be a great help to those too lazy to leave the living room during marathon video-gaming, football/basketball/baseball/name a ball-watching, net-surfing, etc, whenever other business needs attention. Truly a couch potato's dream come true.

Long lines for the public restroom got you down ladies? Does waiting in those lines make you so happy you could just piddle? Have no fear, just run out the car to "freshen up". As a bonus, you don't have to worry about the woman in the next stall trying to make conversation with you.

It would also be great to take to parties. How many times have you gone to a party, downed drink after drink after lovely little drinky, only to have someone who downed just a little too much drink occupy the only bathroom in the entire house for two hours, puking his/her guts out while you're stuck doing different interpretations of the pee-pee dance in the hallway? No worries, my little dancing queens. Just run out to the car, plug the Indipod in, and cop a squat. Though be warned: if a police officer catches you, you could be charged with operating a motor toilet while intoxicated.

The possibilities are almost infinite.

Oh, and just to prove I am not making this up, read about it here.


Anonymous said…
that's a good idea...for me to POOP on! or in?
Anonymous said…
I heard guys all across the world already invented such a device...called an empty gatorade can or any jug whatsoever.
Tim said…
Anonymous said…
i heard it on the radio
The Megan said…
LOL... ya, we had a version of this growing up, for family road trips... you can see how anal mi padre was about 'making good time' on all our family vacations... mmmm good times... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!

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