I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me their good "get well" mojo the past couple of days--I can feel the love! I am back at work, continuing to improve, and should be completely well by the weekend. Yay for three day weekends! Almost makes up for being sick during half the previous weekend. Most importantly, the leprechauns are gone.
If ever you get the flu and have to take NyQuil, I gotta tell ya, whatever you do, don't throw off the leprechauns' groove. Beware the grooooooove!
If ever you get the flu and have to take NyQuil, I gotta tell ya, whatever you do, don't throw off the leprechauns' groove. Beware the grooooooove!
Best animated move EVA!!
In the beginning of the movie, an old man accidentally bumps into the Emp. Cuzco when he is dancing and throws off his groove. Cuzco has him thrown out of a window for it, and afterward the old man warns another character to "Beware the groooooove!"
A SACRILEGE, my dear!!
well... we can't have you just walking around having never seen the funniest animated movie that ever lived... me thinks we need to have an "Emperor's New Groove' watching party...
All in favor, say 'aye'!