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Isn't Flu Season Supposed to Be Over?

I must say, having the flu this late in the season sucks almost as badly as having it in the dead of winter. I think the flu was invented by the Kleenex and Pharmaceutical Industry, or at the very least they repress attempts at curing it and the common cold. I mean, look what a economic boon it is to them. Millions of people catch these highly contagious, yet for the most part manageable diseases, every year that requires us to consume massive quantities of tissue and NyQuil (The last legal, over the counter narcotic that doubles as the thirteenth step . . . I'm high as a kite an my teeth are green, Merry effing Xmas! . . . NyQuil we love you, you giant fuqing Q! . . . &c.).

Last year's flu vaccine shortage was the most blatant attempt at keeping the conspiracy going--only enough for the people who might actually die from it, so give the vaccine to them and let the younger, healthier population catch it so they can send another generation of Kleenex and NyQuil offspring to Ivy League schools. No one dies, they still make their millions, an all around brilliant plan.

Anyway, enough ranting for now, I need to take some NyQuil for my own late season case of the flu and go have a conversation with the medicationally-induced leprechauns who sometimes tell me to burn things.


Anonymous said…
pssssst...James....time to see which cleaners cause the bathroom towels to burn up faster!! hee hee..have some more nyquil!!
The Megan said…
...and, just to pour a little salt into our flu infested wounds, they ended up having to throw away a ton of flu shots this season because so many people held off from getting one, so that all the very old and very young could get there's... mmmm America... ain't it grrreat?!?
Tim said…
Be Better....................

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