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Karl Rove Now at the Top of My Sh!t L!st

UPDATE: As I published this post, I discovered that the White House issued a statement concerning Rove and the Democratic outcry for an apology or resignation, and a repudiation from Bush. Officially, the White House stands by Rove's remarks.

All right. It's on now. No more Mr. Nice Liberal.
Impeach this ass-monkey. And if you voted for this Ass-hat idiot son of an asshole twice, I've got a can of rhetorical whoop-ass with your name written all over it.

The man must go. Last night in New York, Rove said at a news conference that liberals "don't get 9-11" and don't see the attacks as "savage":
Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," Rove said. "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.... Conservatives saw what happened to us on 9/11 and said we will defeat our enemies. Liberals saw what happened to us and said we must understand our enemies.... No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals," Rove said.
Furthermore, according to Herr Rove, we want harm to come to our troops overseas.

I don't know about you, but I for one remember vividly the horror of 9/11 and the desire to hit whomever did it and hit them hard. To completely annihilate the bastards who orchestrated the savagery exacted on our nation. I didn't want to coddle them or psycho-babble them into being nicer people. No. I wanted to crush, kill, destroy. I still do.

However, Rove is correct on one count: I do want to understand the people who did it--to get inside their heads and truly comprehend the mindset required to commit such an act. It's the only way to completely defeat such an enemy. It's the only way to prevent more from developing. And its the only way to distinguish the terrorists from the rest of the Islamic Nation. It's the oldest rule of warfare--know thine enemy. To know is to understand. To understand is to know how to best defeat them.

Somehow, the Bush Administration doesn't seem to understand this basic law of strategy. They blindly rush to war without any plan, full of ire and wrath, but without the intelligence to be successful. If they were half as efficient and skillful at military warfare as they are at political warfare, bin Laden would be in captivity, Iraq would be stable and running itself, and possibly, just possibly, we wouldn't have lost over 1,700 young men and women and thousands more innocent Iraqi citizens. But it seems to me that the military mantra of the Bush Administration is "Bomb 'em & Fuck 'em".

It is Rove and Bush and Cheney and Rumsfield and Wolfowitz and the rest of the Amerikan Fourth Reich that have put our troops and our citizens in danger through their own shortsightedness, inability or unwillingness to understand the enemy, and pompous arrogance.

Now, in the ultimate display of that arrogance, they are using our country's greatest tragedy as a political tool to divide us. It smacks of the rhetorical bile that spewed forth from Reverand Fat-fuck when he blamed gays, single-mothers, et al. for the attacks--calling the attacks God's retribution.

I am a liberal. I love my country. I support my troops. I grieve at our loss. I just hate the president, his cronies, and his destructive policies.

It's time for a political lynching. It's time for impeachment.

Follow the Rove scandal as it unfolds over at AMERICAblog.


James said…
Actually, take heart in this little tidbit of info: Bush's approval ratings are tanking across the board. He's at an average of about 40% give or take. In some instnaces down to almost 30%. Unprecedented loss of public support this short into his second term and as a wartime president.

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