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Mental Note . . .

. . . when stowing away aboard an airplane, do not stowaway in the landing gear. Or so a man found out the hard way when he did just that on a South African Airways flight from Dakar to New York. No one had any idea the man was (kind of) onboard until ground crews found the parts of him that hadn't fallen from the wheel well into a New York woman's backyard.

Long Island resident Pam Hearne was startled when she heard a loud bang come from outside and totally grossed out when she realized it was the sound of a shoed leg still attached to a partial torso hitting her garage roof and bouncing into her yard. Apparently, the man's body was drawn and quartered when the landing gear deployed as the flight made its final approach toward a New York airport. Ouch.

Luckily, the plane only suffered minor damage and slight staining to its wheel. No word yet on who the genius was that put himself through the equivalent of a human meat grinder.


The Megan said…
well... i for one am happy that one more idiot has been removed from the gene pool... woo hoo... just 1.2 billion left to go!!

glad to hear the plane only suffered minor damage... although i'd hate to be the person who had to cleanup the 'leftovers'... bleck...
Tim said…
Anonymous said…
But, doesn't it work in the movies???

and on the news once, i saw that there's a company that does stuff like that, that cleans houses of victims, or whatever so that family doesn't have to do is sickening to my stomach though... in fact,after i'm done typing i'm gonna puke.. will someone come clean that up too? UGHK< GROSSS Ps.. when i'm lazy i just click anonymous so i don't have to type anymore... but anywho.. someday i'll update my blog again, it hasn't been that long tho...
Anonymous said…
oh and ,, j aren't you stealing t's thunder with the news stories??? LOL just play'n, i've decided to switch my local news station over to you guys,, you're the best anchormen eva!!! Love both you guys.. J n T news at 9... for more on the weather...look the heck outside. ;c) g'nite
James said…
L, you crack me up. Now go update your blog.

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