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Last Day

So here I am, the last day at my first job out of college. It's really a shame that I couldn't stay at this job, but too many circumstantial conflicts make it impossible for me to continue on here. It's another one of the cliched moments of bittersweetness. One chapter ends, another opens with hopes upon promises of a brighter future.

So here's to Huge Print Press, my (as of 4:00 PM today) former employer who gave me a shot when no one else in 9 months of job-hunting would: Thank you.

And here's to [the new company], my (as of 9:00 AM Monday, October 3rd) new employer, who wanted to hire me so badly that they actually went to a lot of trouble: Thank you.

Technically, I guess I am officially unemployed again for the next two days, so what better way to celebrate than by pigging out and getting plastered.



The Megan said…
Tell me more about the 'circumstantial conflicts'...
James said…
commute and money - circumstances that are no one's fault, just the circumstances taking me from one job to the next, thus they are circumstantial.

The conflict is that I need less of one and more of the other. I'll let you guess which one's which.

The Megan said…
hmmm let's see... long commutes make you partake in the dirty word saying... more money makes you smiley and bouncy like a li'l puppy... i'm gonna go w/ more money, less commute...

oooh oooh, what do i get, what do i get????
James said…
You get a cookie!
The Megan said…
i miss james... sniff sniff... =(

eeeew... but i DON'T miss word ver!!
The Megan said…
James, are you EVER gonna blog again??? EYE Ms. EWE!!!

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