I am born. Now on to the business of growing up. This is my first post, the first of many.
Welcome to my blog, now bookmark me! I will have many enlightening things to say and complain about in the weeks, months, and years to come.
Stay tuned!
But in the mean time, check out my college/political activism/biographical website.
You know it's funny, up until two months ago I had never heard of "blogs." Now I am inundated with them. It started with visiting my poetry instructor's blog and then I read an interesting "hypothetical blog" in The Advocate that was set in 2008. Then I was introduced to Wil Wheaton's blog. After I had published my webpage on UTA's server, I decided I wanted to publish my own blog since I will lose my school website upon graduation this May.
It was so liberating to have a forum for expressing my opinions that I had to continue.
And continue I will.
Welcome to my blog, now bookmark me! I will have many enlightening things to say and complain about in the weeks, months, and years to come.
Stay tuned!
But in the mean time, check out my college/political activism/biographical website.
You know it's funny, up until two months ago I had never heard of "blogs." Now I am inundated with them. It started with visiting my poetry instructor's blog and then I read an interesting "hypothetical blog" in The Advocate that was set in 2008. Then I was introduced to Wil Wheaton's blog. After I had published my webpage on UTA's server, I decided I wanted to publish my own blog since I will lose my school website upon graduation this May.
It was so liberating to have a forum for expressing my opinions that I had to continue.
And continue I will.