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In Other News . . .

After you read the article linked in the post below, you may feel like escaping from reality. If only there was something you could hook up to your TV in the primetime off-season that would fill the room with colors, lights, and sounds--something interactive that would stimulate the imagination and sharpen both your problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordination. No, Leeann, I'm not talking about karaoke. No, something altogether different. If such a thing existed, I think I would call it "Playstation". What? It already exists? In two, soon to be three, generations? Well I'll be a crashing Super Custom Muscle Car.

Video games do provide such an escape from reality, and I have two things I'd like to anounce.
A) From the creators of SimCity and the Sims comes Spore, a Sim game (for PC's) based on evolution. It sounds fascinating and as addictive as its predacessors.

B) Burnout 3 is the coolest racing/crashing game EVER, period, end-of-story. You have to play it to believe it. With all the cool stuff from the previous generations of Burnout, it adds about a hundred more cars, tracks, and challenges in more highly detailed and realistic environments set against a plethora of mainstream rock music hits from groups you actually know (like Jimmy Eat World). My personal favorite of the challenges is Road Rage, and it is exactly what it sounds like, and my personal favorite car so far is the custom sports coupe that goes over 200 mph.
So, Megan, you have a new game in which you can play god. Unfortunately, it doesn't come out until Fall 2006. And Leeann, methinks you might just like Burnout 3.

Read more about Spore, here.


Anonymous said…
Spore sounds'll be fun to play God. I'll finally have creatures to manipulate other than my friends!

James said…
gee, I wonder, could anonymous be THE MEGAN??
Anonymous said…
NO, Bitch, it's the "O"!!!
James said…
All bow before the great and powerful "O"

Her might and fury is as big as her hair was in the '80's.
Anonymous said…
And big as my booty in between diets!
The Megan said…
LOL... nope... alas, 'anonymous' is not me... if it was, it would be 'the anonymous'. but... we do have similar thoughts, anonymous and me.
Nathan got Sims 2, this weekend, and he let me play it for about 8 seconds... how long has that been out, and I still haven't gotten my own copy??? I'm so behind, Spore will probably have come out before I even have Sims 2!!!

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