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Lynching Senators UPDATE

Hutchison has finally done the honorable thing and signed on as a cosponser to the anti-lynching bill. Let's see what Cornyn does.

I take back what I said about Senator Hutchison, she is not a supreme bitch . . .

. . . just a regular one.


Anonymous said…
Why does it matter if someone signs on AFTER the vote. It was unanimous; who cares?
James said…
That's just it--we don't know that it was a unanimous vote because it was a voice-only vote, which means there is no record of who voted for or against it. Thus, cosponsering is the only documentation of who did or didn't support the measure. That's why it matters.
Anonymous said…
Not co-sponsoring a resolution does not equate to being against it. If it did, that would mean:

-that 426 members of the House of Representatives were against the following resolution: "Recognizing the anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment and encouraging the American people to educate and instill pride and purpose into their communities and to observe the anniversary annually with appropriate programs and activities."

-that 65 Senators were against the Black History Month resolution

-that 99 Senators were against a bill to establish the "African Burial Ground National Historic Site and the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum in New York, New York."

Please, I beg you, check your facts before you disparage people
James said…
Wow, somebody actually holding me to journalistic standards . . . Maybe "Commentator" needs to check his/her facts before making such a big hairy deal over a blog. This blog is pure opinion, not journalism.

I can and will continue to disparage those who have done nothing for me and have actually worked against me and the rest of the GLBT community.

Go back to freeper land, Commentator.
James said…
Cool . . . My first freeping. I almost feel like a legitimized left-wing, pink-o liberal blogger.

Rethuglicans are so funny when they act all huffy and selectively apply rule of ethics when it suits them.
James said…
What else really gets me about it is that somebody ACTUALLY went through the trouble and time to research that just to make a point on a stupid comment section on a stupid no-name blog. That to me seems like a bigger waste of time.
Tim said…
I wish I got random stranger comments on mine.....You both have had that J & L...

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Tim's flight went smoothly and he is now in Arkansas. My day feels hollow without being able to IM him. Still no word on exactly when he'll be back--either Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon. Oh, and add that supreme bitch, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) to the list of modern-era senators refusing to cosponser the anti-lynching measure. I have also added her to my litany of reasons for truly despising this fucktard state in which I live. MEMO TO THE GOP: Your true (lack of) colors are showing. Smarmy sanctimonious bastards.