In case you haven't heard, Michael Jackson has been on trial for--shock of shocks--inappropriate behavior toward young boys. And if you haven't heard, you might want to come out from under that rock every now and then, you know, just to check in with the world, but at least your rock has internet access. Anyway, I digress . . .
Your favorite insult comic dog and mine, Triumph, hit the streets to harass a no more deserving group of people than the Michael Jackson fans stationed outside the courthouse in California, where the trial has been ongoing. It is quite amusing . . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Oh-yes, OH-YES! Go over and check it out, bitches. I keed, I keed!
Your favorite insult comic dog and mine, Triumph, hit the streets to harass a no more deserving group of people than the Michael Jackson fans stationed outside the courthouse in California, where the trial has been ongoing. It is quite amusing . . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Oh-yes, OH-YES! Go over and check it out, bitches. I keed, I keed!