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Seven Year Itch

Today marks Tim's and my 7th anniversary. I got to thinking about it yesterday, marveling at that number 7.

7 years.

It's hard to believe it's been that long and it's hard to belive it hasn't been longer. I feel like I've known and loved Tim for all my life. Yet, it didn't start until 1998, a rather uneventful summer when Clinton was still president, dot-coms were booming, the towers still stood, and gas was about a buck a gallon. Madonna had released Ray of Light that year, an album which I discovered around the time another ray of light entered my life--Tim. Feel like wretching yet? Wait, there's more.

Much like Madonna had done with that album, I too was on a quest to kind of reinvent myself and Tim came along at the perfect time. After a turbulent time in my life, I had moved to a new city, started a new job, started to try and make new friends, and started to live again. It took about two months before I was ready to want to share my life with someone else. One night, I went to a friend of a friend's and there he was, my Tim. We did shots of Aftershock and I think Goldschlager, then stayed up all that night and several nights thereafter just talking. I was utterly and irretrievably smitten that first night. A week later we decided to start seeing each other on a regular basis and the rest, as they say, is history, albeit seven years' worth. That day was Sunday, 28 June 1998, and I am still as in love and smitten with Tim as I was that summer.

While I ruminated on the past seven years, I also thought about all the number 7 signifies. The first thing that came to mind was luck. Seven has long been held as having spiritual and divine resonance, which has also translated to it being a lucky number. Lucky 7.

Something else that came to mind was a 1955 movie starring Marilyn Monroe called The Seven Year Itch. The movie gave entertainment history the famous shot of Marilyn Monroe standing over the subway vent, skirt a-billowing, but was also based on a play that was about a man whose wife goes on vacation at the same time a 22 year-old blond bombshell (played by Monroe) moves into the upstairs apartment. To make matters worse, he also just read an article about how many married men start having affairs after seven years of marriage, calling it the "seven year itch". Well, he befriends the clueless Monroe and begins fantasizing about having an affair with her. He goes back and forth feeling guilty yet covetous of his attraction to Monroe. Anyway, he never acts on his primitive desires and in the end proves to be one of the men to whom the seven year itch does not apply.

So as I look back at the past seven years with Tim, I realize just how truly lucky I am and that the only thing it leaves me itching for is more.

I Love You, Tim
Happy 7th Anniversary!


Tim said…
I love you James, Happy Anniversery....
Tim said…
Though I must say, that title for our anniversary post is kind of scary to read at first seeing as the topic of the movie is what it is.
James said…
You have to look at it in the context of my last sentence in the post.

Silly monkey.
James said…
I mean the sentence before the "I Love You Tim, Happy 7th Anniversary!" part.
Tim said…
I DID READ IT, I knew it, Im a monkey, a silly one at that!!!

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