Since I seemed to have ruffled someone's feathers enough by calling the Senator from Texas a bitch for not cosponsering an anti-lynching bill (which she later did retroactively, thus I removed the qualifier "supreme" from my insult), I thought I would make a list of all the assholes who've pissed me off, both politically and personally, some if not most of whom I will "disparage" at will.
Just exercising my right to freedom of speech by voicing my opinion. I will not slander or libel anyone by making false accusations, but I will call people naughty names and rant and rave about things they've done or said, or things they should have done or said yet stayed mute.
I am not politically correct, I do not kowtow to "Dear Leader" and his party of right-wing, affluent hooligans just because he happen to be president and let planes crash into buildings on his watch. I will criticize and insult him, anyone in his party, and anyone outside his party who grovels at his feet, or lets him continue to get away with murder. I will insult and criticize any elected official who acts stupidly or without regard to what's just and ethical and humane.
Anywho, here is the start of the list:
As Tim would say:
Kisses . . .
Just exercising my right to freedom of speech by voicing my opinion. I will not slander or libel anyone by making false accusations, but I will call people naughty names and rant and rave about things they've done or said, or things they should have done or said yet stayed mute.
I am not politically correct, I do not kowtow to "Dear Leader" and his party of right-wing, affluent hooligans just because he happen to be president and let planes crash into buildings on his watch. I will criticize and insult him, anyone in his party, and anyone outside his party who grovels at his feet, or lets him continue to get away with murder. I will insult and criticize any elected official who acts stupidly or without regard to what's just and ethical and humane.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a journalist. I do not have a degree in journalism. I have a degree in English, which makes me A) a liberal, and B) opinionated and mouthy with a mastery of the tools with which to voice that opinion. If I make a grievous error because of bad research or information, I regret the error. But if I call a bitch a bitch and you accuse me of not doing my homework and false disparity of someone, piss off--regardless of my information and sources, if I don't like someone, I can still call that someone a regular, medium or supreme bitch as the case warrants. That's why it's called an opinion. Opinions don't have to be based in fact. That said, let it also be known that this is a private blog that really has no bearing on society. It is meant for entertainment purposes only. I try to be informative as well, but do not purport to know all the facts--I just record observations and relay my OPINION of those observations. The first ammendment works two ways: The freedom to express an opinion as well as the freedom to not listen. If you don't like what I have to say, don't . . . read . . . my . . . blog. It's really as simple as that.
Anywho, here is the start of the list:
- Preznit George W. Bush
- VP Dick Cheney
- Mary Cheney
- TX Gov. Rick Perry
- Sen. Cornyn (R-TX)
- Sen. Hutchison (R-TX)
- Commentator
- Barbara Bush (for not drowning that impetuous son of hers at birth)
- George H. W. Bush (for impregnating Barb with that hell-spawn)
- The knitting needle that didn't do its job
- Rush Limbaugh
- Jesse Helms (I think he's technically dead, but he's still on my list)
- Rev. Billy Graham (just die already)
- John Kerry (crawl back into the Yale dungeon from whence you came)
- Pope Benedict the whatever number he is
- Joe Lieberman (Neo-con thug in Jew's clothing)
- Karl Rove (Truly a work of pure evil--and not the good kind)
- Anyone who voted for Bush the SECOND time (I mean honestly, the first four years weren't enough of a cock-up for you?)
- Anyone who tries to restrict my civil liberties and make me a second-class citizen
- Anyone who doesn't actively stand up against members of the formerly mentioned ass-hat club yet still posits their support of me (quit blowing smoke up my ass)
- Pretty much the entire Republican party at large (you know who you are)
- Anyone angry at us for not supporting the preznit and his illegal war, yet wouldn't even consider enlisting or letting their children enlist
- Anyone who takes him-/herself too seriously
- The Mainstream Media lap dogs of the Bush/Rove Administration
As Tim would say:
Kisses . . .